Teaching Events

I have taught evening classes, workshops, healing, psychic and spiritual counselling courses as well as led retreats around the world for over 20 years.  


I am the Founder & Director of the School of Intuition & Healing which closed on it's 11th birthday, the 1st April 2021.  There is also a branch of the School in South Africa which will continue to run some of the UK classes, courses and workshops online, plus many other options both in London and in South Africa.

To Book or Request Further Details

  • For all teaching at the School of Intuition & Healing (South Africa) please contact the School on https://schoolofintuitionandhealing.com/
  • For all other courses, unless indicated otherwise, please contact the organiser.


Space Clearing Workshop

Date:    Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 10 AM – 5 PM BST (GMT+1)
Cost: £90 (payment deadline 2 June 2023)
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tutor: Sue Allen

The energy in our living space can affect our health, appetite, sleep, relationships and general well-being. Negative energy may be caused by our emotions, thoughts and activities, household clutter, visitors to the home, geopathic stress, energy lines and also by spirits. If you work with clients then it is important to be able to sense energies and to clear or change the atmosphere quickly and simply. Cleansing the energy of a space before and after a session with a client is essential.


This interactive workshop will explore how to tell if something is not right and suggest various methods for clearing and creating a positive environment in which to live and work, both remotely and in person.


Please bring a pendulum – a weight on a piece of cotton is sufficient.


To Pay:





In the Event of an Emergency... Do Not Break the Human

The Mill Retreat, Aumale, France

Dates: 12 – 17 June 2024

Tutor: Kanina Wolff & Sue Allen

Venue: Mill Retreat Centre, Aumale, France

Booking deadline: 17 April 2024

How do you currently cope when the sh*t hits the fan? Is it possible to prepare yourself in advance for some of the many life struggles and challenges that we may all face? How do you survive when you are in the middle of it? How do you make sure you don't lose your sense of self in the process? What about the aftermath? How can you support someone else going through it?

During this 6-day (5-night) retreat, in an old converted mill in the beautiful French countryside, Kanina Wolff and Sue Allen will explore all of the above with the intention of arming you with a variety of different tools and insights to assist you in becoming more resilient and resourceful when either you, a client or a loved one are facing adversity. We will look at how you can upgrade your existing coping mechanisms and strategies, how to deal with change, what it is to properly hold the space for yourself and others, what self-care really is, the importance of living a value-centred life, how to soothe a frazzled nervous system and also centre yourself regularly.

The goal is that you'll come away with valuable skills to help you – or those you are supporting in either a professional or personal capacity - cope when things go awry, with the added benefit of attaining greater confidence to surf the waves of the regular stresses and strains of daily life.

Cost: From £975 (full board) plus optional supplements for travel etc.




Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment for a home/business clearing, please contact us (email is preferred):




Or use our contact form.

Signed copies are available at all of my events. Alternatively you may buy them at Amazon or any good bookshop.

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© Sue Allen